The 4th Trimester Initiative


Frequently Asked Question

Both trial arms will receive a Fitbit Luxe that will help them understand their sleep patterns with a newborn.  Because there is currently little data about the effectiveness of any wellness interventions on physician trainee who are new mothers, and many interventions are expensive or time/effort-intensive, the 4th Trimester Initiative has been determined to have equipoise. 

Our method of randomization allows us to analyze differences between institutions, as local culture may influence wellness. It also allows us to evaluate trainees based on whether they are in procedural or non-procedural specialties.

We recognize that issues surrounding new parenthood and wellbeing are sensitive topics. All trainee identifiers are removed from survey data before being transferred for analysis. Your personal information (e.g., address, delivery date) is provided to MavenTM, Happiest Baby Inc (maker of SnooTM), and WillowTM for delivery purposes, but is kept in password protected files which are not linked to the survey data. We do not provide programs nor program directors with any responses of individual trainees. Trainees are analyzed in aggregates with trainees in other specialties, precluding attempts to identify anyone.

At the conclusion of the trial, metrics on trainee wellbeing (e.g., burnout, postpartum depression, sleep and fatigue) and achievement of breastfeeding goals (if applicable) will be compared between the intervention and control groups to assess the intervention’s effectiveness.  Baseline data will be obtained from the pre-enrollment survey

The 4th Trimester Initiative interventions are based on the fundamental belief that a holistic package of support for trainees addressing multiple challenges for the new mother is needed. There is no “magic bullet” – that is, there is no single intervention that has the power to completely change culture or a trainee’s entire pregnancy and new motherhood journey. The interventions are data-driven choices that reflect support in areas that trainee mothers have reported to be particularly difficult.  

Future larger national studies, funded from data from the current study, will help us better understand which supports are the most impactful, thus helping us support training programs that may have fewer resources.  

We believe that it is just as important to invest in a trainee’s personal success as her professional success. Improving work-family integration is a cornerstone of a long and healthy career.

We recognize there are many paths to parenthood and one journey is no more important than another.  The current study was designed only for birthing mothers because including non-birthing parents would have introduced many confounders that would be difficult to control for. Future studies will assess how we can better support non-birthing parents. 

On-site childcare, subsidized childcare, monetary stipends for childcare, preferential daycare enrollment….we are aware these are the among the most frequently discussed needs and a source of great stress among new parents in medicine due to irregular work hours and the limited financial means of many trainees. Unfortunately, solutions are expensive, heavily dependent on local resources/childcare availability, and beyond the scope of this study.  The SnooTM smart bassinet was selected as a pragmatic intervention to support childcare at home.

That is fine! We support any choices you make that are best for you as a new parent. We only ask that you notify us, and the survey has built-in questions to report your purchases of these devices. We plan to analyze groups based on intention-to-treat.

Almost everything.  The study ends when your baby is 6 months old.  For the control group, the $200 and FitbitTM are yours to keep. For the intervention group, the Fitbit and WillowTM breast pump are yours to keep. The SnooTM is a lease and must be returned (all packing material and instructions are provided and fold neatly to store flat).  The Maven app will expire when your baby is 6 months old.  Don’t forget to still complete the 12 month survey so we can understand if interventions still make a difference in the long term, or whether you bounced back even without an intervention!
We understand you may change your mind.  You may keep any payment you have received if you are in the control arm. We do ask that you return your FitbitTM, and if you are in the intervention group, your SnooTM.

Yes! We understand some call nights are unbearable and you may be too tired to do your survey immediately.  The link will still be available but realize it becomes less usable due to recall bias as time goes on. We tried hard to make the surveys concise and designed them so you can complete them even on your smart phone while waiting for the elevator!  Please try your best – we will email you reminders to fill your survey out if we notice you have not done it. 

Yes, please at least wear it all the time when you get home and go to bed (if you wear it all day long, even better!). It is powerful data for us to understand just how tired you are. We can’t make any conclusions about whether interventions support your sleep if you don’t wear it. We are using the Fitbits in lieu of  sleep logs, which pregnant trainees felt were too hard to remember to complete.

You should use what works best for you and your baby. We will ask you how much you used the WillowTM and how effective you thought it was. So there will be opportunity to describe how much or how little you used it.

Trial enrollment starts in the spring of 2023. We will continue enrolling until we reach our goal of 152 participants.