The 4th Trimester Initiative

Control Vs Intervention

You are providing powerful data that can change how the medical profession views and supports parenthood.  We appreciate your help in a shared mission of improving work-family balance for the next generation of physicians and surgeons.

Control Group

If you are in the control group, we want to make it worth your time to do the surveys. We will provide $200 of gift cards, instantly available when you submit your survey answers. 

Please know that beyond the monetary remuneration, your participation is key to helping all future physician trainee mothers by providing data that will strengthen our ability to advocate for greater support.

Participants in the intervention arm will be paired with a faculty mentor in their department who is also a mother to discuss work-life concerns. Click here to learn more about the mentorship program.

You are providing powerful data that can change how the medical profession views and supports parenthood.  We appreciate your help in a shared mission of improving work-family balance for the next generation of physicians and surgeons.